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Bloodhound: MongoDB Module

Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

The module implements a number of functions requiring interaction with the MongoDB database.

Configuration Loader

With this loader you can store and load configuration items in MongoDB.

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.mongodb.config.loaders.MongoDbConfigLoader


Edit the afthem.yml file and update the config_loader.class string with the provided class. Add a params map to the config_loadermap to set the connection parameters. Example:

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.mongodb.config.loaders.MongoDbConfigLoader
database: afthem
collection: configuration
uri: mongodb://localhost

Here are some examples of configuration documents:


"type": "backend",
"flow_id": "default",
"prefix": "",
"upstream": ""


"id": "default",
"type": "flow",
"flow": {
"proxy/request": {
"next": "proxy/upstream_http",
"config": {},
"sidecars": []
"proxy/upstream_http": {
"next": "proxy/send_back",
"config": {},
"sidecars": []


"type": "implementers",
"implementers": [
"id": "request",
"class": "com.apifortress.afthem.actors.proxy.RequestActor",
"type": "proxy"
"id": "upstream_http",
"class": "com.apifortress.afthem.actors.proxy.UpstreamHttpActor",
"type": "proxy"
"id": "send_back",
"class": "com.apifortress.afthem.actors.proxy.SendBackActor",
"type": "proxy"
"thread_pools": {
"default": {
"min": 1,
"max": 1,
"factor": 1



Upstream connecting to a MongoDB database. The body of the request must be shaped into a JSON document that either represents a query, or a document to insert.

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.mongodb.actors.proxy.UpstreamMongoActor

sidecars: yes


  • uri: the MongoDB URI
  • database: the name of the MongoDB database
  • collection: the name of the connection to be used
  • max_documents (default=100): a limiter on the number of returned documents. Overridden by header x-limit-results


  • x-op: either "find" or "insert"
  • x-limit-results (optional): limits the number of results

Multi-flow: no



Filters out any request that does not carry a valid API key in the headers or in the query string. This base actor loads the API keys from a YAML file.

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.mongodb.actors.filters.MongoApiKeyFilterActor

sidecars: yes


  • uri: the MongoDB URI
  • database: the name of the MongoDB database
  • collection: the name of the connection to be used
  • in: either query (expecting the key in the query string) or header (expecting the key in the headers)
  • name: key of the field carrying the API key

Multi-flow: no

Example document

"api_key": "123",
"app_id": "TheFoobar",
"enabled": true



Serializes an API conversation and sends it to MongoDB for storage.

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.mongodb.actors.sidecars.serializers.MongoSerializerActor


General serializer settings:

  • disable_on_header: if the provided header is present in the request, then the conversation will skip serialization
  • enable_on_header: if the provided header is present in the request, then the conversation will be serialized
  • discard_request_headers: list of request headers that should not appear in the serialized conversation
  • discard_response_headers: list of response headers that should not appear in the serialized conversation
  • allow_content_types: full or partial response content types which make the request eligible for serialization. If the list is null or empty, all content types will be accepted

Extra serializer settings:

  • buffer_size: the serializer can buffer a number of conversations and save them once the buffer is full to improve DB communication performance. If absent or if the value is less than 1, the document is inserted as asson as the actor receives it
  • extra_fields: a map of k/v fields that should be added to the document.

MongoDB settings:

  • uri: the MongoDB URI
  • database: the name of the MongoDB database
  • collection: the name of the connection to be used

Multi-flow: no