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Dynamic Dates

Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

Have you ever needed to pass a future date as part of the request inside of a test? Perhaps as a check-in or check-out date? You could enter it as static value, but that means you would have to periodically update the date as time went on.

Creating a dynamic date in API Fortress is a simple solution for this sort of situation.

Here's the procedure:

  1. First, open the Composer and add a Set (variable):
  2. In the Variable component editor, enter the following:
    • Var field: enter your variable name.
    • Variable mode field: leave it as _String.
    • Value field: enter the following string: ${D.format(D.plusDays(D.nowMillis(),35), 'yyyy-MM-DD')}. valueField.jpg

Let's analyze the string mentioned above:

${D.format(D.plusDays(D.nowMillis(),35), 'yyyy-MM-DD')}
  • D.nowMillis(): returns the current Unix epoch in milliseconds
  • D.plusDays(): returns the provided milliseconds, plus the provided number of days (in our example, we have added 35 days to today's date)
  • D.format(): creates a timestamp with the given format, using the current timezone (in our example yyyy-MM-DD)

As result, you will have something like 2018-05-15.

You can obtain a past date, starting from today's date with the following string:

${D.format(D.minusDays(D.nowMillis(),35), 'yyyy-MM-DD')}

You can also create a date based on a specified time zone:

${D.format(D.plusDays(D.nowMillis(),35), 'yyyy-MM-DD','America/New_York')}

The above string create the same date as our first example using New York (EST) as the timezone.

For more details, see our reference page.