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Using the Project Dashboard

After you run an API Test, you can view your results, reporting, and analytics to gain further insight and maximize your testing.

What You'll Need

Test Outcome Report

The Test Outcome Report includes input data details and other useful test information, such as reasons for failure, HTTP requests, and response status codes.

There are three ways to access it:

  • From your Project's Tests section, click on any Test line item
  • From your Project's Dashboard section, click on any Test line item
  • From your Test's Compose section, in the right-hand nav.

Viewing Results

Here's a breakdown of what each report contains:

Test Report Details: metadata about the execution of the test, such as Test Name, Project Name, and Mode (Scheduled or On Request)
Test Report

Outcome (pass/fail status):
Test Report

Assertions: your Test assertions, where a gray dot indicates a pass, red dot indicates a fail, and yellow dot indicates a warning
Test Report Primer Image

Request Components: shows the specific component(s) that you tested.
Test Report Primer Image

Stack Details: click this to view granular details about requests and headers.
Test Report Primer Image
Stack details


The API Testing Dashboard — accessible from a Project — displays metrics, logs, builds, and load tests, a centralized test management tool that simplifies collaboration and reporting.

Test Logs

  1. Log in to Sauce Labs, then click API Testing.
  2. Click on any Project.
  3. Click the Dashboard tab.
  4. Select the Logs tab.
  5. Select desired filters to find the Test(s) you're looking for, then click Apply.
    Dashboard Logs Filters
DateFilter tests results by:
  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 3 days
  • Last 7 days
  • This Week
  • Previous week
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Specific start and end date
TestFilter tests results by a specific test
ModesFilter tests results by tests that are scheduled (monitoring) or executed manually (on-Demand)
EventsFilter tests results by all tests or only the ones that failed
TagsFilter tests results by tests that contain one or more specific tag(s)
Build idFilter tests results by tests that belong to a specific build
AgentFilter tests results by the agent that executed the test: wstestjs if the test is executed manually, scheduled, or by API; piestry if the test is executed via the mocking tool

Test Metrics

To view Test performance metrics (latency and fetch):

  1. Log in to Sauce Labs, then click API Testing.
  2. Click on any Project.
  3. Click the Dashboard tab.
  4. Select the Metrics tab.
  5. Select desired filters to find the Test(s) you're looking for, then click Apply.
    Dashboard Metrics Filters
DateFilter tests results by:
  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 3 days
  • Last 7 days
  • This Week
  • Previous week
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Specific start and end date
TestFilter tests results by a specific test
MetricsFilter tests results by all tests or only the ones that failed
FootprintFilter tests results by a specific request URL
Build idFilter tests results by tests that belong to a specific build

Test Build Reports

A Build is a collection of test results and metrics associated with a given build ID. To create a Build, you'll need to integrate Sauce Labs API Testing into your CI/CD pipeline, then run multiple tests simultaneously, grouped as a Build, by setting the build value in your config.yml. Sauce API Testing will group all events generated by the Test session under a "build" collector, and test results are collected under Dashboard > Builds. To view:

  1. Log in to Sauce Labs, then click API Testing.
  2. Click on any Project.
  3. Click the Dashboard tab.
  4. Select the Build tab.
  5. Set the date and/or build ID filters, if desired, to find the Test(s) you're looking for. Then click Apply.
    Dashboard Builds
DateFilter tests results by:
  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 3 days
  • Last 7 days
  • This Week
  • Previous week
  • Last 14 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Specific start and end date
Build idFilter tests results by tests that belong to a specific build
  1. Click on any line item below to view a summary report for that Build.Dashboard Builds
    Dashboard Builds The report contains details such as the build ID, list of Tests belonging to that build, date/time, Projects involved, successful tests, and failed tests.
  2. Under the Event Details column, click Open Report Document to see the results and metrics for each specific test that has been executed in the build.
    Dashboard Builds

More Information