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Appium Quickstart

Appium is an automation testing framework that allows you to write tests using the Selenium syntax that are for use in testing native, mobile web, and hybrid apps on iOS and Android devices. Run your Appium tests on Sauce Labs to benefit from speed, parallelization, clear test result history, failure analysis, issue tracking, and more.

  • Don't have Appium tests but want to try? The Appium Demo Repo includes a sample project structure, working configuration specifications, and sample Java tests so you can get up and running in less than 10 minutes using the instructions on this page.
  • Already have Appium tests to run? Take advantage of the Sauce Labs library of real devices, Emulators and Simulators, and OS/browser combinations to maximize your digital confidence on every version of every device.

What You'll Need

The following list of prerequisites are specific to running tests written in Java, per this demonstration. For information about other supported languages, refer to the demo projects in the Sauce Labs Training Repo.

Step 1: Clone the Sample Project

The Appium Quickstart for Java demo repository contains all the project files necessary to run a test against a mobile app or a web app accessed through a mobile browser. Clone the project in your local environment to get started.

git clone

Set your SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY as environment variables to avoid having to enter them with each command and to protect them from exposure in your tests.

  1. Check to see whether your credentials are already set using the following command:
Check Environment Variables
  1. If nothing is returned, use the following command to set your credentials:
export SAUCE_USERNAME="your Sauce username"
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="your Sauce access key"

Step 3: Upload the Sample App

  1. Download the iOS Real Device Swag Labs App from here.
  2. Rename the app from iOS-Real-Device-MyRNDemoApp.*.*.*-*.ipa to iOS-Real-Device-MyRNDemoApp.ipa .
  3. Upload it to your Sauce Labs account, either through the Sauce Labs UI or by calling the API.
  • Sauce Labs UI: From Sauce Labs > App Management, select Upload App and browse to find the iOS-Real-Device-MyRNDemoApp.ipa file you just downloaded and renamed.
  • API: Use the Upload File to App Storage API request to upload the sample app to your account.
    curl -u "$SAUCE_USERNAME:$SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY" --location \
    --request POST '' \
    --form 'payload=@"<path to the iOS file>/iOS-Real-Device-MyRNDemoApp.ipa"' \
    --form 'name="iOS-Real-Device-MyRNDemoApp.ipa"'

Step 4: Run the Tests


You must have JDK and Maven installed to run this sample test, and you must have set their paths in your .bash_profile, for example:

## Maven Variables
export M2_HOME=/Applications/apache-maven-3.8.2
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin

export PATH=$PATH:$M2:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

If you are using an IDE, such as IntelliJ, open the quickstart-appium-java project you cloned in step 2, then right-click the src/test/java/tests/RDC/AppiumIosRdcAppTest and choose Run.

Alternatively, you can run the following command in your terminal:

Terminal Command
cd quickstart-appium-java
mvn clean install -DtestngXmlFile=appium_ios_rdc_app_test.xml -Dregion=us

Once your tests complete, you should be able to see the results in your Sauce Labs account under Automated > Test Results > Real Devices.