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Install Sauce Connect on macOS

With Homebrew

On macOS you can install Sauce Connect with Homebrew


brew tap saucelabs/tap
brew install sauce-connect

Edit config file

This step is optional. You can use default configuration or configure Sauce Connect with flags or environment variables. See CLI reference for more details.

vim sauce-connect.yaml

Start Sauce Connect

sc run --config-file sauce-connect.yaml

With zip package

Sauce Connect provides .zip package with a signed binary that can be used on any macOS version.

Unpack the zip file

curl -L -o
sudo mkdir -p /opt/sauce-connect
sudo unzip -d /opt/sauce-connect

Check the signature

Run the following command, you should see Developer ID Application: SAUCE LABS INC.

codesign -dvv /opt/sauce-connect/sc
sudo ln -s /opt/sauce-connect/sc /usr/local/bin/sc

Add completion

echo 'source <(sc completion zsh)' >>~/.zshrc

Edit config file

This step is optional. You can use default configuration or configure Sauce Connect with flags or environment variables. See CLI reference for more details.

vim /opt/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml

Start Sauce Connect

sc run --config-file /opt/sauce-connect/sauce-connect.yaml