Adding TestFairy to Your Flutter Project
If you are developing your app in Flutter, follow the instructions in this document add the TestFairy SDK.
Use this package as a library.
Depend On It
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
testfairy_flutter: any
Install It
You can install packages from the command line:
$ flutter packages get
Alternatively, your editor might support Flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
Import It
Now in your Dart code, you can use the following:
import 'package:testfairy_flutter/testfairy_flutter.dart';
void main() {
Quick Start
Include the library and run your main app like this.
Make sure your project is AndroidX compatible.
The minimum supported iOS target is 9.0.
# inside pubspec.yaml
testfairy_flutter: any
// inside your main.dart
// @dart = 2.12
// You can use other dart versions but we suggest 2.12 for better compile time checks.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:testfairy_flutter/testfairy_flutter.dart';
void main() { = TestFairy.httpOverrides();
() async {
try {
FlutterError.onError =
(details) => TestFairy.logError(details.exception);
// Call `await TestFairy.begin()` or any other setup code here.
runApp(TestFairyGestureDetector(child: TestfairyExampleApp()));
} catch (error) {
(e, s) {
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
print: (self, parent, zone, message) {
How to Compile With the Latest Flutter and null-safe Dart?
To use TestFairy with the latest stable Flutter channel, you must set the minimum version for the plugin as 2.1.0.
To use TestFairy with the latest unstable Flutter channel, you must clone this repository and use it as an offline dependency instead of the published version in pub.
Clone this repository.
Use the following code to include the clone as an offline dependency (assuming both projects reside in the same directory as siblings).
path: ../testfairy-flutter # or "./testfairy-flutter" if you cloned it inside your main project as a child directory -
Checkout testfairy-flutter to your VCS without including its .git directory.
When there is a new update in this repository, delete testfairy-flutter and retry the steps.
Troubleshooting FAQ
I see
warning: None of the architectures in ARCHS (x86_64) are valid
when I build an iOS app.Launch your Runner workspace and add
under Build Settings. -
I see
Specs satisfying the TestFairy dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
when I build an iOS app.You have to update the native SDK alongside with CocoaPods repository.
pod repo update
and update the plugin in pubspec.yaml. Then runcd ios; pod update TestFairy; cd ..
. -
I have my own
setup. How can I make it work with TestFairy?Copy this file to your project. Add the necessary functionality and assign an instance from your new implementation to
. -
I see
Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ./ios/Pods/Local Podspecs/testfairy.podspec.json
when I build an iOS app.This error happens due to a pod misconfiguration bug on the Flutter side. We have a blog post explaining the fix.
Clean your project, and remove ios/Podfile and Xcode workspace files. (make sure you have backups, just in case)
flutter clean
rm -rf ios/Podfile ios/Podfile.lock pubspec.lock ios/Pods ios/Runner.xcworkspaceRevert to cocoapods 1.7.5 temporarily.
gem uninstall cocoapods
gem install cocoapods -v 1.7.5Add the following line to the beginning of your iOS project's generated Podfile.
# Beginning of file
# The rest of the file contents
# ...Install pods.
pod repo update
cd ios
pod install
cd ..Retry your build.
Once your build succeeds, you can update cocoapods to its latest version. If the error reoccurs, you must revert to 1.7.5 and retry the steps.
I see
Automatically assigning platform ios with version 8.0
when I build.TestFairy supports iOS 9.0 and above. Change the build target accordingly in your Xcode project.
I see
Looks like TestFairy has an upgrade to do... 1.X.Y+hotfixZ is the latest stable branch
or errors related to Jetifier in the logs when I call an SDK method.Migrate your Android project to AndroidX by following this guide.
I see
Undefined symbols for architecture
error during compilation.You must use frameworks and specify a platform version of at least
in your generated iOS project's Podfile. Make the following changes in ios/Podfile and 'Runner' do
platform :ios, '9.0' ####################################### <--- add this and specify at least 9.0
use_frameworks! ####################################### <--- add this, and try building if there is
####################################### no Swift code or plugin in the project.
####################################### If there is Swift code, please also add
####################################### the marked line below
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.2' ########## <--- add this, change the version to what's being
########## used in the project, remove if there is none
end -
CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "TestFairy".
This error is an old bug in the plugin pubspec file. First, run
flutter clean
in your root directory.Move ios/Podfile.lock into a temporary place before running
pod repo update; pod install
in your ios directory.If some of the libraries you use need to be at specific versions, copy the necessary lines from your backed-up Podfile.lock into the newly created one. Keep the lines related to TestFairy (note the title case in the name) untouched.
Finally, run
pod repo update; pod install; pod update TestFairy
again to re-download libraries from the replaced lines.If everything went smoothly, this issue should never happen again.
There are syntax errors in or TestFairyFlutterPlugin.m file.
In your project root, run
flutter clean; cd ios; pod repo update; pod install; pod update TestFairy; cd ..
and test again.
API Reference
Check the latest Dart interface documentation.